The Velvet Fist is Keith's current book on sale. 

      Keith's great grandfathers were Valentine Emerick and Ignatius Wisniewski.  Valentine worked in the old country training horses.  Ignatius was an officer in the last czars Army. 

     In 1914 they both immigrated to America and were able to escape the growing tyrannical power of the Bolshevik Revolution.  This Marxist movement went on to kill tens of millions of people in the 20th century.  In their new country Valentine worked in a coal mine.  Ignatius put his sons to work earning their way in a free society.  These are some of the events which moved Keith to write The Velvet Fist.

Meet Author Keith Parfitt

Jacob Holt was a tiny cog in the World Unified Countries vast civil service. Citizens were afforded any and all pleasures available. Many of these pleasures were taboo in earlier times. All a citizen of The Great Republic had to do was play by the rules.

Humankind now possessed the most permissive society of any in its many eons of existence on the planet. To earn these privileges one only had to be considerate of ones co-citizens. And contribute their small part to The Great Republic. But Jacob had a disability, a disability which caused him to experience Non-compliance. This was where Jacob’s trouble began…